
Questions, With the Bonus of Answers

Here are the three main questions I'm asked almost everyday. (Besides the obvious, such as, "How are you?" "Where the hell is my five bucks" and "When are you going to get a real job?")

1. "How can you walk in those?"

A: This may sound contrived, and perhaps a bit complicated, but, here goes.

Walking (also called ambulation) is the main form of animal locomotion on land, distinguished from running and crawling.[1][2] When carried out in shallow waters, it is usually described as wading and when performed over a steeply rising object or an obstacle it becomes scrambling or climbing. The word walk is descended from the Old English wealcan "to roll".

Walking is generally distinguished from running in that only one foot at a time leaves contact with the ground: for humans and other bipeds running begins when both feet are off the ground with each step. (This distinction has the status of a formal requirement in competitive walking events, resulting in disqualification at the Olympic level.) For horses and other quadrupedal species, the running gaits may be numerous, and while walking keep three feet at a time on the ground.

The average human child achieves independent walking ability around 11 months old.[3]

See the rest of the article here.

2. "How can you spend so much money on shoes? They're just shoes, for chrissake!"

Well, that may be so, but I would rather have strong, beautiful legs and feet for the rest of my life, thanks to expensive, comfortable designer heels, than spend $20 on a pair of Payless flats that will ruin my hips and heels forever.

3. "Why do you love labels so much? They only cost so much because they're designer."

That's partially true. I do understand how the world works, and that labels are put on things to give them value. This can apply to anything. Why do you buy Kleenex brand tissues instead of in-store knock-offs? Why do you spend money on an LG cell phone, when you could have an MTS flip for free? Probably because the label sells itself to you in advertising, and quality. Kleenex brand tissues have been around for over 80 years. My 12 year old brother thinks tissues are called, "Kleenexes". This is how saturated our society has become to advertising. Does anyone ever ask you to pass them a 'tissue'? Please. And if they do, it's because they've seen you're poor and have No Name brand Kleenexes.

As for shoes, designer shoes just make me feel happy. Why would I live my life doing and purchasing things I despise?

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